Fissure means a tear or deep division in different parts of the body. A fissure can develop in the cerebral cortex of the brain as a deep fold. Fissures are also caused by a tear in the inner lining of the anus due to stretching of the anal canal or discharge of hard dry bowel movements. It also occurs in liver, tongue and areas of the heart.

Before you face more symptoms of aciidity problem, get consult from Vediti ayurveda .Experience the Best ayurvedic treatment of acidtity just by having ayurvedic medicines for acidity. Now, lets understand the symptoms of acidity

What does mean acidity ? and the symptoms of acidity
Symptoms of acidity and gerd


Common symptoms of acidity are as follows:-

  • Heartburn – A burning pain in you chest usually occurs after eating, and becomes worse to tolerate at night
  • Wheezing or dry cough
  • Regurgitation of flood or sour liquid
  • You will feel bloated or nauseous most of the times
  • Dysphagia – difficulty in swallowing and taking your food from mouth to the stomach
  • Hiccups
  • Bitter taste and discomfort in your upper abdomen


Common symptoms of acidity are as follows:-

  • Heartburn – A burning pain in you chest usually occurs after eating, and becomes worse to tolerate at night
  • Wheezing or dry cough
  • Regurgitation of flood or sour liquid
  • You will feel bloated or nauseous most of the times
  • Dysphagia – difficulty in swallowing and taking your food from mouth to the stomach
  • Hiccups
  • Bitter taste and discomfort in your upper abdomen
Symptoms of acidity and gerd


There are mainly two types of acid reflux:-

  • Upright acid reflux
  • Supine acid flux

Upright Acid Reflux:-

Upright acid reflux happens every one hour during the daytime when you are sitting up.

Supine acid flux:-

This form of acid reflux occurs in the night time when the acid flows to the food pipeline (oesophagus) twice.

Acidity in worsen conditions causes the problem of uric acid in your body. So, we must detect at first the type of acidity we are suffering from.

Hope you have get know the type of acidity, but with that it is necessary to understand the causes of acidity

types of acidtiy
Causes of acidity

Symptoms are not enough ,know causes of acidity :-

The five main causes of acidity are discussed below:-

  • Obesity
  • Foods and Beverages
  • Medication
  • Hiatal Hernia:- One of the most common reason for acidity and heartburn is Hiatal Hernia. This happens when a part of your stomach lies within your chest rather than abdomen and affects the functions of LES. LES isn’t able to perform its functions because of hernia causing acidity and heartburn.
  • Bad Lifestyle Habits:
This causes of acidity can be solve by getting ayurvedic treatment of acidity .Let look how Vediti ayurveda provides the solution.


The five main reasons of acidity are discussed below:-

  • Obesity
  • Foods and Beverages
  • Medication
  • Hiatal Hernia:- One of the most common reason for acidity and heartburn is Hiatal Hernia. This happens when a part of your stomach lies within your chest rather than abdomen and affects the functions of LES. LES isn’t able to perform its functions because of hernia causing acidity and heartburn.
  • Bad Lifestyle Habits
Causes of acidity

Ayurvedic treatment of Acidity at Vediti ayurveda

We provide you the best herbal and ayurvedic medicine and diet chart for quick relief and better treatment. The key features of our acidity reflux ayurvedic medicine are as follows:-

  • Relief from the gas and acidic problems
  • Provides relief from acidity and bloating
  • Improves functioning of the gastric system
  • Better Digestion
  • Natural Antioxidants
  • Helps the body destress
  • Relieves heartburn
  • Dry cough or asthamatic conditions will be relieved
  • Improves the immunity power
What does mean acidity ? and the symptoms of acidity

Best Ayurvedic medicine for acidity At Vediti

Hyper Acidity causes the problem of insomnia in the patients. So, if you are able to cure your acid reflux insomnia will be relieved automatically. Vediti Acidity and Gerd Solution is the best treatment for your insomnia problem because is a herbal based ayurvedic medicine with natural ingredients.

It is a natural and gentle way of curing without any harm to your own body.