Diabetes is one of the most chronic disease of the human body. It occurs when our blood glucose or blood sugar becomes high and the pancrea is unable to produce insulin, a hormone that helps to convert glucose into energy. When too much glucose stays in our blood, the bloodstream thickens and doesn’t allow the blood to reach our body cells thereby leading to many health hazards. Diabetes has no permanent cure, however one can follow necessary ways to get cured and stay safe. Diabetes has becomes the common problem for all of us , but still the symptoms of diabetes is the serious problem which needs to treat in well manner. Diabetes treatment in ayurveda can be treated with the help of right ayurvedic medicines treatment for diabetes. Before you treat ,you should undertsand the symptoms of diabetes.

What is diabeties and symptoms of diabetes of diabetes
Symptoms of diabetes


The symptoms of diabetes may vary from high to low in different people. The common symptoms are feeling very thirsty, irritation, tiredness, blurred vision, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, unplanned weight loss, frequent urination due to presence of ketones in the urine and dry mouth. Women generally have dry and itchy skin, frequent yeast infections or urinary tract infections. Men may have decreased sex drive or irrectile dysfunction.Here we edup with the symptoms of diabetesLet’s move towards types of diabetes.


The symptoms of diabetes may vary from high to low in different people. The common symptoms are feeling very thirsty, irritation, tiredness, blurred vision, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, unplanned weight loss, frequent urination due to presence of ketones in the urine and dry mouth. Women generally have dry and itchy skin, frequent yeast infections or urinary tract infections. Men may have decreased sex drive or irrectile dysfunction.

Types of diabetes with some Symptoms

1) Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition which means our immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that produces insulin. The damage caused is permanent since the body is unable to process glucose due to the lack of insulin. There may be both genetic and environmental reasons behind this diabetic condition.

2) Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is as insulin resistance diabetes which means our body is unable to use insulin property. It stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin until it can no longer keeps up with the demand leading to its decrease in production and this results in increasing the sugar level in blood.

3) Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is due to insulin-blocking hormones produced during pregnancy. This type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy.
It develops in some women and usually goes away after their pregnancy.

How Diabetes treatment in ayurveda treated ?

In order to cure diabetes there is a need to
control blood sugar through diet, oral medication or insulin. Despite many medications this disease occurs in varying complications and leads to dangerous results. Vediti Diabeto is a herbal medicine for diabetic treatment as it focuses at maintaining normal blood sugar levels along with proper diet and exercise.

Why Vediti Diabeto is the right treatment for diabetes?

Vediti Ayurveda diabetic treatment is one of the best treatments for diabetes as it has treated many patients in India. Our medicine Vediti Diabeto is made up of a mix of right herbal composition which is 100% natural. These herbs help to prevent the production of excess glucose in the blood cells. Our oil helps to control sugar and instigates the production of insulin in the pancreas.

Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes.

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