Vitiligo problem or Leuco means white and derma means patches. Another name of vitiligo is leucoderma. Vitiligo (vit-il-EYE-go) is a skin disorder that causes the skin to lose its color. Smooth white areas (called macules if less than 5mm or patches if 5mm or larger) appear on a person’s skin. If you have vitiligo in a place that has hair, the hair on your body may also turn white.
The condition occurs when melanocytes (the skin cells that produce melanin, the chemical that gives skin its color, or pigmentation) are destroyed by the body’s immune systemVitilgo.

What causes vitiligo?
Although the causes of vitiligo aren’t completely understood, there are a number of different theories:
- Autoimmune disorder: The affected person’s immune system may develop antibodies that destroy melanocytes.
- Genetic factors: Certain factors that may increase the chance of getting vitiligo can be inherited. About 30% of vitiligo cases run in families.
- Neurogenic factors: A substance that is toxic to melanocytes may be released at nerve endings in the skin.
- Self-destruction: A defect in the melanocytes causes them to destroy themselves.
Vitiligo may also be triggered by certain events, such as physical or emotional stress. Because none of the explanations seem to completely account for the condition, it’s possible that a combination of these factors is responsible for vitiligo.
Ayurvedic treatment for Vitligo Probelm ?
Vediti Ayurvedic product of vitiligo begins with a purification process. Purification methods such as snehana (oleation therapies ), svedana (fomentation or heat therapy), vaman (therapeutic emesis), virechana (therapeutic purgation) and raktamokshana (therapeutic blood letting) are employed to “loosen and liquefy Ama (toxins/ undigestive material)” and excess dosha from the various sites of accumulation in the tissue. Exposure to sun rays is also recommended. Apart from the various aushadhis (medicines), ahar (diet) and vihar (lifestyle) regimens are also very important which are listed below:
- Have light meals
- Include old rice, wheat and green gram in your diet
- Include gourd family vegetables like bitter-gourd and ridged gourd in your diet
- Avoid tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages
- Highly/ strongly- flavoured dishes and condiments also to be avoided
- Limit intake of sugar, processed/white flour products, denatured cereals like polished rice and pearled barley
- Avoid vegetable roots and tubers like potato, carrot, colocasia and black gram
- Avoid consumption of tinned or bottled foods and aquatic animals
- Following Sadvrtta (behavioral and social codes of conduct), bio-purification therapes (panchakarma) and personal hygiene are recommended.
- Kapalbhati is helpful in the treatment of vitiligo. Because of inhalation and exhalation kapalbhati provides aeration to blood and purifies blood circulation.
- Tadasana allows tofocus on deep, rhythmic breathing – drawing oxygen into and out of the body releases harmful toxins and keeps vital systems running optimally.
- Uttanasana – Because forward-bending poses fight against gravity by turning the head toward the ground instead of toward the sky. Blood flows into the face faster, bringing with it oxygen and other helpful nutrients that fight free radicals and encourages skin cell renewal.
- Utkatasana make the heart beat faster, increasing the circulation of blood flow throughout the body and prompting the skin to sweat out impurities.
- Viparita Karani – Inversions such as Head-stand and Shoulder-stand increase blood flow to the face amd help eliminating toxins
- Vrata‑pooja‑patha‑dana (fasting, worship, enchanting the sacred hymens, donation, etc.)
- Visit to pilgrimage places